
Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2)

BOOK review

Started on: 8 Desember 2015
Finished on: 10 Desember 2015

Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2) by Richelle Mead

Judul Buku : Frostbite (Vampire Academy #2)
Penulis : Richelle Mead
Penerbit : Penerbit Matahati
Tebal : 379
Tahun Terbit: 2010
Rating: 3/5


Rose Hathaway berada pada tahun terakhirnya di St. Vladimir. Enam bulan lagi dia akan menjadi pengawal penuh dan bertugas melindungi sahabatnya, Lissa, seorang bangsawan Moroi.

Kemudian, serangan besar-besaran Strigoi terhadap sebuah keluarga Moroi menyebabkan Akademi St. Vladimir bersiaga. Para pengawal dikerahkan untuk melindungi sekolah - termasuk ibu Rose yang berwatak keras, Janine Hathaway. Tetapi pihak sekolah tidak mau mengambil risiko. Mereka memutuskan membawa para murid pergi liburan ski.

Namun, tempat liburan musim dingin yang megah di Idaho itu tenyata tidak sepenuhnya aman. Ketika tiga temannya melarikan diri untuk melawan Strigoi yang mematikan, Rose terpaksa bekerja sama dengan Christian untuk menyelamatkan mereka. Hanya kali ini Rose berada dalam bahaya yang lebih besar daripada yang pernah dibayangkannya...

My Opinion

Oh dear... I seem to be ever so slightly... hooked. How did this happen? I was proceeding with caution, I swear I was but... my god, this book was good. I liked it even better than the first one in this series, I honestly have nothing but praise for this book. I shall of course have to accept my fate when they start to go downhill, but there's always a chance that by then my obsession will have ran so deep that I won't even care in my lust to find out what happens to Rose and Lissa and Dimitri.

I loved loved loved the relationship between Rose and her mother in this novel. The similarities between them that they are both too stubborn to see and the wonderful mutual understanding between them at the end. Also, Dimitri was so much better in this book. I thought he was a bit of a douche in the last one but I'm now starting to see the attraction - just wish he would have dropped his moral values earlier on, hehe. On that subject, I really do love how Richelle Mead manages to make a young adult novel incredibly steamy with lots of hot make-out sessions and dirty thoughts. Young adult romantic relationships are often so tame but not here :)

I feel like Rose - Dimitri relationship started getting a little more serious in this book, even though they both know that they shouldn’t be together aghh. There’s something about forbidden love that makes me go all sorts of mushy.

There are breath-taking battle sequences at the end, and a devastating aftermath that leaves Rose forever changed. My respect for her grew leaps and bounds in this book, and the series really kicked into high gear both in story and in emotion.

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