
Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

CR: The Proposition - Sebuah Penawarann (The Proposition #1)

BOOK review

Started on: 20 Desember 2015
Finished on: 21 Desember 2015

CR: The Proposition - Sebuah Penawarann (The Proposition #1) by Katie Ashley

Judul Buku : CR: The Proposition - Sebuah Penawarann (The Proposition #1)
Penulis : Katie Ashley
Penerbit : Elex Media Komputindo
Tebal : 384
Tahun Terbit: 2014
Rating: 4/5


Kepedihan menghunjam jantung Emma kemudian merebak ke seluruh dada. Perasaan seperti ini semakin sering ia alami, terlebih ulang tahun ke-30-nya semakin mendekat, membayanginya bagai awan gelap, sementara keinginannya untuk menjadi seorang ibu, dengan pria yang tepat, belum juga terkabul. Di lain pihak, ia tidak mau memakai jasa bank sperma.

Pada saat demikian, datang sebuah ’proposal’ dari Aidan Fitzgerald, teman satu kantor Emma yang dikenal sebagai playboy dengan kemampuan tinggi di ranjang. Pesona Aidan ditambah keinginan kuat untuk hamil mengalahkan keengganan Emma. Dengan segera sesi ’membuat bayi’ menjadi lebih dari sekedar aktivitas fisik. Tapi bisakah Aidan meninggalkan masa lalu untuk menjadi pria yang dibutuhkan Emma?

Editor's Note Sebuah komedi romantis kisah pencarian cinta sejati yang mengahru biru, sekaligus jenaka.

My Opinion

I really liked seeing these two people trying to take something so personal so seriously. And adorable watching their real feelings develop even while trying to maintain a "professional" (hmm, wrong word, but you know what I mean) attitude about the whole thing.

There were a few times where I found things a little rushed, and a moment or two that I wasn't sure about but overall, I just enjoyed the story.

Aidan... I kind of went back and forth on him. I started out grinning from ear to ear and loving where everything was going, totally looking forward to his character's growth and change and, especially once those started, my heart started to feel whole, but his commitment issues really tore at my heart and frustrated me.

I love stories of characters who are able to catch themselves before they go too far, realize they are on the wrong path and do everything in their power to make things right again so I'm very, very, VERY much looking forward to book #2.

But overall the story was fun, sexy, steamy. The developing romance was really well done, as we see them falling in love gradually over time. Their relationship grew believably and sweetly. And we're also given some much appreciated scenes from Aidan's point-of-view.

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