
Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

The Proposal (The Proposition #2)

BOOK review

Started on: 22 Desember 2015
Finished on: 23 Desember 2015

The Proposal (The Proposition #2) by Katie Ashley

Judul Buku : The Proposal (The Proposition #2)
Penulis : Katie Ashley
Penerbit : Elex Media Komputindo
Tebal : 400
Tahun Terbit: 2014
Rating: 4/5


Beberapa minggu setelah pengkhianatan Aidan, Emma mencoba move on dan mengabaikan semua SMS, pesan suara, dan bunga yang dikirim Aidan. Tapi, bukan Aidan namanya kalau langsung menyerah! Tidak, terutama sebelum dia bisa mengungkapkan masa lalu yang membuatnya takut berkomitmen.

Tapi campur tangan nasib terkadang memang mengejutkan. Di saat Aidan berani mengajukan lamaran, saat yang sama dewa cinta memberikan tantangan baru, Alpesh Nadeen, dokter kandungan yang tampan, baik hati, dan perhatian. Sosok yang sungguh tepat dan sangat dibutuhkan Emma saat ini.

Editor’s Note - Merupakan cerita lanjutan dari buku best seller THE PROPOSITION

My Opinion

This book reminded of the reasons I'm reading romances. Because they are bliss. They break your heart and then they mend it again stronger. They are hope and dreams and tears. Sometimes, so frustratingly sad and others so deliciously happy. I totally love AIDAN!!!!!!!!!!! Well and Emma of course... I fought so hard for this couple... LOL!

Emma was, as in the first book, a great, strong female lead. She's funny, cute and knows her own mind. I loved that. For the most part. However, I did want to poke her in the eyes at a few points in this book... One word. Pesh! Argh, Emma, what were you thinking??!!

Aidan. *heart flutter* Yeh, he's some gooood stuff. I just knew Aidan would redeem himself. *goofy grin*
"I love you much it hurts. I ache for you in my soul. Please... I can't live without you. I want to be with you every minute of every day. I want to marry you and make a life with you. I want to raise Noah and be a family together. Please... please say you want to be with me forever."

He's so utterly gorgeous and what girl can resist a handsome man that's totally ga ga over his new baby boy and the beautiful love of his life?! Seeeeriously heart melting stuff. He was all over this redemption shiz!
"You've made all her dreams come true. The moment she holds Noah in her arms for the first time any of the pain and suffering she experienced will just evaporate in an instant. And you will be the one who gave that to her."

He was so gorgeously devoted to Emma's every whim. Maybe I'm a weakling but I'd have caved waaaay before Emma did.
"Just make sure Casey knows that I wear my alleged vagina with pride, not because she took my manhood with that purse of hers, but because I want to be a better man for you."

I think I can say this next bit without giving anything away, afterall, clue's in the title and all... I love love loved the proposal. I mean the actual proposal. And the wedding, and the honeymoon, and the sex... it was all fabulous. Steamy, romantic, swoon worthy, adorable!
"God Em, I love you so much it hurts," came his pained whisper in her ear. "I know. I love you so much, too."

I've really enjoyed this contemporary romance. It's a bit different to the usual fare at the moment. It's well-written, cute and sweet with just a dash of heat, with the romance playing out centre-stage. Well done Katie Ashley!

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